ANIMALITIES: BABALITY: To perform a Babality, you must not use "Block" on the winning round. FRIENDSHIP: To perform a Friendship, you must not use "Block" on the winning round. MERCY: To perform a Mercy, you must lose 1 round to your opponent. On the 3rd round when it says "FINISH HIM" you must hold the "RUN" button & press down on the joystick 2 times then release the "RUN" button. This will resurrect your opponent & give them 1 more hit before death. You must be at least sweep distance! ANIMALITY: To perform an Animality, you must perform a Mercy first.
Grenade Close: Hold LK (B-B-HK) Grenade Far: Hold LK (F-F-HK) Net: B-B-LK Teleport (can do in air): F-D-BL Air throw (while you on ground, and victim in air): D-F-BL Then LP to throw. Fatality (anywhere): D-D-U-D-HP Fatality (close): D-D-F-U-R Animality (close): U-U-D-D Friendship: R-R-R-U Babality: F-F-B-HP Stage: R-BL-R Standard Combo: HP-HP-HK-HP-HK-B+HK
1 Missile: B-F-HP 2 Missiles: F-F-B-B-HP Gotcha Grab: F-F-LP (tap LP to keep punching) Backbreaker (in air): BL Quad Slam (after starting a throw): tap HP Ground Pound: Hold LK Dashing Punch: F-F-HK Fatality (close): Hold BL (U-D-F-U) Fatality (far): R-BL-R-R-LK Animality (close): Hold LP (F-F-D-F) Friendship: LK-R-R-LK Babality: D-D-D-LK Stage: D-F-D-LP Standard Combo: HK-HK-D+HP-HP-BL-LP-B+HP
Top Spin: B-F-LK Eye Spark (can do in air): B-B-HP Ground Saw: B-B-B-R Fatality (outside sweep): D-D-B-F-BL Fatality (close): R-BL-BL-BL-HK Animality (close): Hold HP (F-F-D-F) Friendship (anywhere except closer than sweep): R-LK-R-R-U Babality: R-R-LK Stage: BL-BL-HK Standard Combo: LK-LK-HP-HP-D+HP
Knife Throw: D-B-HP Knife Uppercut: D-F-HP Cannon Ball: Hold LK Grab and Shake: D-F-LP Throw (in air): BL Fatality (close): Hold LP (F-D-D-F) Fatality (sweep): LP-BL-BL-HK Animality (close): Hold HP (BL-BL-BL) Friendship: LK-R-R-HK Babality: F-F-D-D-LK Stage: U-U-B-LK Standard Combo: HP-HP-D+LP-D+HP
Hat Throw: B-F-LP Teleport: D-U Flying Kick (in air): U-D-HK Spin: F-D-F-R (tap R) Fatality (anywhere): R-BL-R-BL-D Fatality (inside sweep, but not up close): F-F-B-D-HP Animality (close): R-R-R-R-BL Friendship (over sweep): R-LP-R-LK Babality: D-F-F-HP Stage: D-D-F-F-LK Standard Combo: HP-LP-HP-LP-LK-LK-B+HK
Fireball High: F-F-HP Fireball Low: F-F-LP Flying Kick: F-F-HK Bicycle Kick: Hold LK Fatality (anywhere): F-F-D-D-LK Fatality (anywhere): U-D-U-U-BL+R Animality (sweep): D-D-U Friendship: R-R-R-D+R Babality: D-D-D-HK Stage: R-BL-BL-LK Standard Combo: HP-HP-BL-LK-LK-HK-LK
Arrow: D-B-LP Hatchet Uppercut: D-F-HP Shadow Shoulder: F-F-LK Glow (reflects missiles): B-B-B-HK Fatality (close): U-U-B-F-BL Fatality (far): B-B-D-HP Animality (close): F-F-D-D Friendship (anywhere outside sweep): R-R-R-D Babality: F-B-F-B-LP Stage: R-R-BL Standard Combo: LK-HP-HP-LP-Hatchet Uppercut-Hatchet Uppercut
Teleport+Uppercut (can do in air): F-F-LK Missile: F-F-LP Guided Missile : F-D-B-HP Fatality (sweep): LP-R-R-BL Fatality (over half screen): F-F-F-B-BL Animality (close): F-F-D-U Friendship (half screen): R-R-R-R-D Babality: B-D-D-D-HK Stage: R-R-R-D Standard Combo: HP-HP-HK-HK-B+HK
1 Fireball: B-B-HP 2 Fireballs: B-B-F-HP 3 Fireballs: B-B-F-F-HP Volcanic Eruption: F-B-B-LK Morphs Cyrax: BL-BL-BL Jax: F-F-D-LP Kabal: LP-BL-HK (have to do it fast) Kano: B-F-BL (have to do it fast) Kung Lao: R-R-BL-R Liu Kang: F-D-B-U-F Nightwolf: U-U-U Sektor: D-F-B-R Sheeva: Hold LK(F-D-F) or F-D-F-LK-LK Sindel: B-D-B-LK Sonya: D+R+LP+BL Stryker: F-F-F-HK Sub-Zero: F-D-F-HP Fatality (close): Hold LP (D-F-F-D) Fatality (close): Hold LP (R-BL-R-BL) Animality (sweep): Hold HP (R-R-R) Friendship: LK-R-R-D Babality: R-R-R-LK Stage: U-U-B-LP Standard Combo: LK-HP-HP-LP-B+HK
Teleport Stomp: D-U Stomp: B-D-B-HK Fireball: D-F-HP Fatality (close): F-D-D-F-LP Fatality (close): Hold HK (B-F-F) Animality (close): R-BL-BL-BL-BL Friendship: F-F-D-F-pause-HP (pause is to prevent fireball. Or you can Hold HP(F-F-D-F) release HP, then hit HP.) Babality: D-D-D-B-HK Stage: D-F-D-F-LP Standard Combo: HP-HP-LP-HK-HK-LK-B+HK
Fireball: F-F-LP Fireball (in air): D-F-LK Fly: B-B-F-HK (press BL to land) Scream: F-F-F-HP Fatality (sweep): R-R-BL-R-BL Fatality (close): R-BL-BL-R+BL Animality (anywhere): F-F-U-HP Friendship: R-R-R-R-R-U Babality: R-R-R-U Stage: D-D-D-LP Standard Combo: HK-HP-HP-LP-HK
Harpoon: B-B-LP Teleport+Uppercut (can do in air): F-F-LK Invisibility: U-U-R (do while invisible, and you will reappear) Throw (in air): BL Fatality (across screen): U-U-F-D Fatality (sweep): Hold R+BL (D-D-F-U) Animality (outside sweep): D-F-F-BL Friendship (across screen): R-R-R-HK Babality: D-D-B-B-HK Stage: F-F-D-LK Standard Combo: HP-HP-LK-HK-LP
Energy rings: D-F-LP Leg Grab: D+LP+BL Square Wave Punch: F-B-HP Bicycle Kick: B-B-D-HK Fatality (more than half screen): Hold BL+RN (U-U-B-D) Fatality (anywhere): B-F-D-D-R Animality (close): Hold LP (B-F-D-F) Friendship: B-F-B-D-R Babality: D-D-F-LK Stage: F-F-D-HP Standard Combo: HK-HK-HP-HP-LP-B+HP
Grenade Low: D-B-HP Grenade High: D-B-LP Baton Trip: F-B-LP Baton Toss: F-F-HK Fatality (close): D-F-D-F-BL Fatality (a tiny bit closer than full screen): F-F-F-LK Animality (sweep): R-R-R-BL Friendship: LP-R-R-LP Babality: D-F-F-B-HP Stage: F-U-U-HK Standard Combo: LK-HP-HP-LP
Freeze: D-F-LP Ice Shower: D-F-HP Ice Shower (in front): D-F-B-HP Ice Shower (behind): D-B-F-HP Ice Statue: D-B-LP Slide: B+LP+BL+LK Fatality (close): BL-BL-R-BL-R Fatality (outside of sweep): B-B-D-B-R Animality (close): F-U-U Friendship: LK-R-R-U Babality: D-B-B-HK Stage: B-D-F-F-HK Standard Combo: HP-HP-LP-LK-HK-B+HK (in 2.1 leave out LP for more damage) |