VS. Mode Reptile

Living Forest  Near the Platform Jumping area near the beginning of that level. 
There is a Pillar to the right side. Grab a  Soldier and throw it into the pillar. Then backtrack to the level before and 
look by the waterfall area. 

VS. Mode Scorpion

Foundry Run to the area where the 2 demon archers comes out. Grab & throw one them at the left wall by the Door that leads 
to the next area. Then grab the other archer and throw him into the lava. Use the body on the lava to 
get to the ledge. 

Story Mode Scorpion

--- Beat the game with Liu Kang 

VS. Mode Sub-Zero

WasteLand The Wasteland portal is located on the top right of the area that leads to the Foundry level. Fight Sub-zero. After the battle,  
jump on the boat with Sub-zero and Fight the skeletons until you reach the other dock area. Before you open the door, go to the left and jump up onto the statue.

Story Mode Sub Zero

--- Beat the game with Kung Lao

VS. Mode Johnny Cage

Wu Shu Academy (On Fire) There is a tower with a koin to the right side of the rear of the level above the first pump. It is behind the rock.

VS. Mode Baraka

Soul Tomb In the room near the helldemon that had 2 levels, the upper door has a railing. The dragon is on the other side of the railing. You have to jump around the opposite way to get the dragon since you cant jump over the railing

VS. Mode Kitana

Evil Monestary The room where you obtain the Mutality move (There is 1 Priest floating in the background)
Before you go up to reach "Kitana, Mileena & Jade Fight" you 
will see the Red Portal on the right side of the room. Jump on the pillars next to the steps to access the roof area  to get the red koin on the roof